Mothers are their daughter's best friends

My queen celebrates her 56 th birthday tomorrow and I am so honoured to have her as my mother. The memories I have of this beautiful woman who seem to age so gracefully are too many to count. I have been through so much with her and have seen a mother who loves her children to a point that every choice she made, was made in thought of us (her children). I have come to realise that she is my best friend. I can’t make up a lot of memories when I was still an infant, but my memories of realising that she’s my mother was because she was always around me. Lol! There’s no other way to put it but as a three year old, seeing this woman who seem to go everywhere with you and take care of you, kind of makes you recognise that this person is your mother. I remember the day offs from work she took to be with me at day care when it was my birthday. I would be the VIP for the day and she would have brought all my favourite goodies including cake with my name on it. Many don’t know that...